Fearsome Floors
Navigate through the fearsome floors of the formidable fortress. Flee from the frenzied monsters whilst faking the fiend to feast on your foes. For whoever fetches enough fellows from the fearsome floors finds the ‘Fabula’.
Number of Players: 2-7
Age: 10+
Play time : 60 Mins
Difficulty level : Easy
Categories: Board game, Family game
Theme: Dungeon and Horror
Fearsome Floors, is a wonderful race game in which the players must move through a dungeon as quickly as possible – or at least within 14 turns – before it crumbles over their heads.
Players could reach the exit in only seven turns if everything were peaceful and quiet, but unfortunately the dungeon is also the home of a very hungry monster! Each round, players take turns moving one disk at a time, flipping over the disk after moving it to reveal the movement points available for the next round. They can try to lead the monster, who is always after fresh prey, to opponents' pieces, but they may find themselves eaten instead! Pieces can slide along blood slicks or might be crushed between a boulder and a wall. You can even try to get the monster to teleport to another part of the board, where it will fall upon its next victim!
See how its played: